Friday, May 30, 2014
5 min writing
I hate every thin and every one write now because I hade to to criteria I feel bad for iyana and jack because there's go deleted I would hate that omg I probably would flip tables and kill some one not really but you no what I mean
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Book club Ss
I think Daniel would be a deviousness six year old. always coursing trouble but being really adorable so he would not get in trouble. I also think that he would be a player with the other six year olds. But he would be a hard worker. His master will not hert him because he looked so cute. And he would do inside work so he doesn't hert him self. Also he might not have been a slave I could see him in Africa running away all the time. And making his mom go crazy. He would probably swim in lakes or streams all the time. That's how I thought Daniel would be as a 6 year old.
- grace
5 min
Ok so I no this is crazy but do you think that the world dose note want my lacrosse team because all week we have hade are game cansild for really weird reasons but we don't have practice cansild I am so cunfused
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Book club Ss
Grace best
Rick Joseph
I chose letter b
Today was the worst day of my life I hade to go to sea with my owner I hade to clean every thing and sort every thing two. we would be bake in 2 weeks let me sart over my name is Daniel I don't no why I hade to say my name it's my diery well let's call it my journal that sounds More manly. I hade to set fire to my house just to find letters and then I hade to hide the letters on this boat. so when we get close to are destination I can jump off the boat and deliver the letters. also my owners want to sell me To the south mum and I can't be sold. but mum won't it's just me so mom hade to let me go she told me that I would meat my uncle. then I would have freedom. my dad was in the militery and he died but these where his notes. the worst part is I have to leave my mum.ya I have left her for 2 hours but we always are together. what if she gets sick?. I am always with her some time if she is not whell then I would wake up early and do her work foe her and she would do the same for me. and she is my mom I love her I can't think about what It would be like with out her . Oh no masters comin I got to go I will write more later
- Daniel
My favorite posts
I love this post because it gives me a angree yet sad yet funny emotion when I read it and even when I was writing about it
I like this post because it shows how much I love the life I was given and how I love the people that are in it it was hard to write because I hade so much to say but each I'm thankful for hade to be only one sentance
I love this post it shows grave emotion and always hase a funny twist the story would not have worked with out Lilly's fall or the old lady that creeped us out I love pretending that I am the old reson with her voice like when I am reading it I do voice overs
It was vary hard to write this post because I have never really told any one but once I told people and wrote about it I found out that other people are going threw the same thing and I thought it was just me
I like this because I love to swim and I love to swim with my family and swimming is great why would any one not want to swim it is great
Friday, May 23, 2014
5 min writing
Let it go what a song I hate it but I love it yet I hate it I sounder if they made a book on it like a chapter book on the movie frozen if any one would read it I doubt it but you never now I mean really any thing could happen but I don't like that movie any more but I like the song fir the first Time in forever
Thursday, May 22, 2014
5 min writing
Have you ever felt left out of a team or of a group or of a party well those things don't compar to felling left out of a family I here people cry about not seeing a cousin of an ant or grandma of grandpa for a month or 2 well close your eyes and imagen what it would be like not seeing both grandpas for 12 hole years I have never met my grandpas on ether side mom and dad I have uncles and ants I dident now I hade I see the family on my dad's side once a year and 3 years ago my grandma past I haven't seen my little baby cousin sence the last 4th of July I see my grandma ever 2 mounts I have a grandpa that my niny got remarried to but I have this idea that he shows favoritism to his real grand kids but you know what's hardest trying to hold bake tears every Time some one shares how much fun they hade being with there grandma and grandpa this week or this year and to top it of my brothers say they hate me every day thank god for my mom and dad and my niny and ant debby and niko and Lucy for always being there for me I could not a even begin to talk about the time my mom hade a tumor and was at camp I throut she was going to die I cried every night at camp and every time my dad goes on bissnes trips I think what if he disent come bake I just wish we went closer to them or they came closer to us I would be insane if I dident have my amazing friends to confert me when I am sad all I am trying to say is that next time you fell rejected just know there's always some one with that problum and it will get better
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
5 min writing
I hate the nwea is sucks to be honest I kinda gest some of the questions but not all but why is it so long what's the point not even kidding it suuuccckkkkssssss I hate every on every thing and it's all the nwea's flat so ya that's how I feel about it and it makes me hate Tuesday also it sucks because that's when I took the nwea ya ok I just hade to get that out
Friday, May 16, 2014
Literary essayist
-qaw,It's been seid that "cancer makes life difficult" most of the time cancer can hert you in all ways including love. In the fault in our stars bye John Green. Hazel grace is going throug all the difficult things but the part she is effected bye most is love
Hazel grace realizes she did not have much longer "I'm a granad " she Seid pg 63 hazel just wants to stay in bed all day she dose not want to go to support group and dident want to hang out with her friends but little did she know at Sapporo group she could meet the love of her life
Hazel grace meets a guy that was at her support group named Agustis waters she falls in love with him but can't love him because she dose not want to die and hert him "I will blow up and hert every on around me"pg 63 she is madly in love when she couldn't date him she broke inside
Hazel grace and Augustus get to go on a trip to a foreign country. to meet hazels favorite ather but Hazel may not go because of an incident that happens before. " can I still go to Amsterdam" pg 154 she wants to go not only to meet the ather but to get closer to Augustus. She thinks that Amsterdam will get them closer together as a couple.
This concludes that even if cancer effects your lounges or the way you walk or talk or even your time you have to live. that love is still the hardest thing well for Hazel grace it is. But she always finds away even when stupid cancer gets in her way.
Monday, May 12, 2014
5 min
I love to swim its so fun oh and how cool is it it's like you can swim with people from all over the world I can swim with my mom my dad my friends my brothers my grandparents well my grandparents don't know how to swim and I would never swim with them but u know what I mean ya but I love to swim
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